
Memory and Courage

Time creates a lot of things. 

Time creates memory. 

Time creates courage. 

Time also wears a lot of things. 

Memory is worn by time. 

Courage is worn by time. 

In whole life, people meet the dilemmas. 

Decision is the key of the dilemmas, 

is also the poison medicine of life. 

No matter what future I have, 

no matter who people I meet, 

no matter how difficult I face, 

no matter when I wait, 

courage is my evil and angle of decision. 

All the way I follow is choosing that and responsible for that.


【置頂】English learning


1. Haste makes waste. 欲速則不達

2. Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石

3. Powerful men protecting powerful men. 官官相護 【Perfect stranger】

4. Committed the cardinal sin. 犯了天條 【Perfect stranger】

5. Cross that bridge when coming to it. 船到橋頭自然直

6. You may kill me, but you may never insult me. 士可殺不可辱

Movie name

1. Sense and sensibility 理性與感性

2. Pride and prejudice 傲慢與偏見