
Income tax report 申報所得稅

※ Angels and Demons, the movie will be in theaters on MAY 15.

In May, it is the time to report income tax. Even though

I am in USA now, I still can report tax through the Internet.

In this year, I have the same situation as last year. I won't 

pay any tax to government, and I can get the tax refund.

Although I will just get almost NT.2000, it is still the money.





Let's go Yankee 洋基加油

※ Yankee Stadium

When I went to New York city, I also went to Yankee Stadium 

to watch Wang's play.However, he lost 8 points in 2nd inning, 

and while he was changed, all the Yankee fans boo him. How sad 

I was. In this game, I saw not only a Yankee's bad record but also 

a fight between Yankee fans. When police came to arrest them, 

everyone said " Get her out!" It was more exciting than watching 

hockey which had fight. Finally, that was not a game which Wang 

had a nice performace, but I did not feel dispointed at him because 

that is the way that all the best pitchers have to be experienced.







※A huge stadium

It was so boring to watch Yankee's game. In the playing game, they 

did not have any music which made fans feel excited. They only had

YMCA this show between 6th inning and 7th inning, but it did make 

fans to take part into. The interaction between fans and games did

not exist. By the way, the facilities of Yankee Stadium are really nice.

The seats are wide and confortable, and there are cup racks in front

of seats. The restrooms are like those in the 5 star hotels. Is everything

good? No! The price of all stuff, such as food, drink, and clothes, is not

so cute. A soda bottle cost $5, and a Jersey cost $200. No wonder some

people call Yankees evil empire.








Here are some pictures I wanted to show you guys.


※ Babe Ruth Plaza 貝比魯斯廣場(curse魔咒)

※This was Wang. (下面那一個白衣人)

※Is that clear to recognize? 這樣有比較清楚認得嗎?

※Wang was in Big Screen. 王建民在大螢幕。

※That was the place where someone fought.


※YMCA Show 就是清場地的人在跳YMCA

※4/5 poeple left. 因為分數差超多,只剩1/5的人還留在現場。

※ New Yankee Stadium in the evening. 傍晚新洋基球場

※ Old Yankee Stadium in the daytime. 白天舊洋基球場


baseball terms 棒球術語

※ Yankee Stadium 洋基新球場  (Wang in big creen)

Why did I writing this article in my blog? It is impossible for me 

to write it for no reasons. I wrote it because I will write another

article about MLB. I not only watched  Yankees  game in their home

staduim, also went to Fanway Park to wtach Redsox game. After 

watching those games, I deeply believed I am always a Redsox fans.

I will tell you the reasons in next article.





Let's get to know those baseball terms, and I will make marks for 

special, common, or crucial terms.



號碼 中文 英文(完整/簡稱)
1 投手 Pitcher / P
2 捕手 Catcher / C
3 一壘手 First-Base Man / 1B
4 二壘手 Second-Base Man / 2B
5 三壘手 Third-Base Man / 3B
6 游擊手 Shortstop/ SS
7 左外野 Left-Fielder / LF
8 中外野 Center-Fielder / CF
9 右外野 Right-Fielder / RF


術語/ 英文/ 中文解釋
A/assists/助 殺
AB/at bats/打 數
AL/American League /美國聯盟
1B/first baseman/一壘手 / 一壘安打
2B/second baseman/二壘手 / 二壘安打
3B /third baseman/三壘手 / 三壘安打

BA/batting average/打擊率
BB/bases on balls/四壞球
BF/batters faced/投球人次
BFS/batters faced per start/投手過勞指數
BS /blown saves /救援失敗
C/catcher/ 捕手
CF/center fielder/中外野手
CG/complete games/完投場次
CS/ caught stealing/盜壘失敗
DH/designated hitter/指定打擊
DL/disabled list/受傷名單
DP /double plays/雙殺
ER/earned runs/投手責任失分
ERA/ earned run average/投手防禦率
FA/ free agents/自由球員
FB/fly balls hit against pitcher/投手被擊出飛球
FPCT/fielding percentage /守備率
GF/grounders to flies ratio/滾地球對飛球之比率
GB/games behind ; groundballs/球隊勝差 ; 投手被擊出滾地球
GDP/times grounded into double plays/擊出雙殺打的次數
GM/general manager/球隊總教練
GS/ games started /投手先發場次
H/hits ; holds/安打 / 投手被安打 ; 中繼成功
HBP/hit by pitch/觸身球
HP/times hit by pitch/觸身球次數
HR /home runs/全壘打 ; 投手被全壘打
IBB/intentional bases on balls/故意四壞球
IF/infielder/ 內野手
IP/innings pitched/投球局數
IR/inherited runners//救援投手上場時已在壘上的跑者
IS/ inherited runners who scored/救援投手讓 IR 得分的數量
K /killed 三振 / 打擊手被三振
L/loses/敗投 / 敗場
LF/left fielder/左外野手
LOB/ left on bases /殘壘數
MLB/Major League Baseball/美國職棒大聯盟
MVP/ most valuable player/最有價值球員
NL/ National League/ 國家聯盟
OBP/on base percentage/上壘率 / 投手被上壘率
OF/ outfielder /外野手
PA/plate appearances/打席
PO/put outs/使出局數
PPO/pitcher pickoffs/投手牽制成功數
PSS/ probability of a successful steal/盜壘成功率
R/runs//得分 / 投手失分
RBI/runs batted in/ 打者打點 / 投手被打點
RF/right fielder/右外野手
ROY/Rookie Of the Year/年度新人王
RPA/ run production average/攻分率
SB/stolen bases/盜壘成功 / 投手被盜壘數
SF/sacrifice flies/高飛犧牲打數 / 投手被高飛犧牲打數
SH/sacrifice hits/犧牲觸擊 / 投手被犧牲觸擊數
SLG/slugging percentage/長打率 / 投手被長打率
SO/strike outs/三振 / 打擊手被三振
SP/save points/救援點
SVOP/ save opportunities /救援成功率
TA/total average/ 攻擊率
TB/total bases/壘打數
TBF/total batters faced/投球人次
TC/ total chances/守備機會
W/walks/保送 / 打擊手被保送
WP/wild pitches/暴投
WS /World Series/美國大聯盟冠軍賽(世界大賽)

MLB 名詞解釋
Umpire = 裁判
Head Coach = 總教練
Line Up = 先發陣容
Rosters = 球隊陣容
Head Coach = 總教練
Pitching Coach = 投手教練
Bating Coach = 打擊教練
Rotation = 先發投手輪替序
SP/ Starting Pitcher = 先發投手
RP/ Relief Pitcher = 中繼投手
CP/ Closer (Closer Pitcher) = 救援投手 (用終結者更貼切)
INF/ Infielder = 內野手
OF/ Outfielder = 外野手
Bench Player = 替補選手
Utility Player = 非先發選手
C/ Catcher = 捕手
1B/ First Baseman = 一壘手
2B/ Second Baseman = 二壘手
3B/ Third Baseman = 三壘手
SS/ Short Stop = 游擊手
LF/ Left Fielder = 左外野手
CF/ Center Fielder = 中外野手
RF/ Right Fielder = 右外野手
DH/ Designated Hitter = 指定打者
PH/ Pinch Hitter = 代打
PR/ Pinch Runner = 代跑
Switch Hitter = 左右開弓打者
Lefty (美俚語) = 左投手
Lead Off Man (美俚語) = 一棒打者
Slugger (美俚語) = 指長打力很強的打者
Clean Up Batter (美俚語) = 指具有高打點能力的打者(專門講「四棒」這個角色)
Batting Up = 站上打擊區


AB/ At Bat = 上場打擊次數
SO(打者統計)/K(投手統計)/ Strike Out = 三振
H/ Hit = 安打數
DB/ Double/ 2 Base Hit = 二壘安打
TB/ Tripple/ 3 Base Hit = 三壘安打
HR/ HomeRun = 全壘打

R/ Run = 得分
RBI/ Runner Batted In = 打點
G/ Game/ GP/ Game Played = 出賽場數
SH/ Sacrifice Hit = 犧牲打
SF/ Sacrifice Fly = 高飛犧牲打

FO/ Fly Out = 飛球
GO/ Ground Out = 滾地球
SB/ Steal Base = 盜壘
DPB/ Double Play Bat = 雙殺打
SLG/ Sluggling Percentage= 長打率
AVG/ Batting Average = 打擊率
OBP/ On Base Percentage = 上壘率
GWH/ Game Wining Hit = 勝利打點
E/ Error = 失誤
DP/ Double Play = 雙殺
TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺
CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺
A/ Assist = 助殺
FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率
Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊
Back to Back Homerun = 連續兩棒擊出全壘打
Grand Slam = 滿壘全壘打
Solo Homerun/ Solo Shot (美俚語) = 陽春全壘打
3 Run Blast (美俚語) = 三分全壘打

Go Ahead Run = 超前分
Go Ahead Homerun = 超前分全壘打
Tied Run = 追平分
Scoring Pisition = 得點圈
Runner = 跑者
Ground Rule Double = 場外二壘打
Infield Hit = 內野安打
Line Drive = 平飛打
Infield Fly = 內野高飛球
Base Hit = 一壘安打
Off the Wall = 擊中全壘打強的球
Bunt = 觸擊短打
Squeeze Play = 以犧牲短打來使三壘跑者回本壘得分
Hit and Run = 打帶跑
Short Hop = 很近防守員的低彈跳球
Charge = 趨前防守
Diving Catch = 飛撲防守
Frozen Hit (美俚語) = 指非常強勁的穿越安打
Hit to Another Zip Code (美俚語) = 指場外全壘打
Fair = 界內
Foul = 界外

ERA/ Earned Run Average = 投手防禦率
IP/ Inning Pitched = 投球局數
CG/ Complete Game = 完投
SHO/ Shout Out(Shutouts) = 完封
GS/ Game Started = 先發場數
DB/ Dead Ball/ HIP/ Hit by Pitch = 死球
BB/ Base Balled/ Walk/ = 四壞球
B/ Bulk = 投手犯規
R/ Run = 失分
ER/ Earned Run = 自責分
SV/ Save = 救援成功
H/ 被安打(如此項統計數字在投手)
W/ Win = 勝場
L/ Lose = 敗場
Wild Pitch = 暴投
Perfect Game = 完全比賽
Heater (美俚語) = 指快速直球
Off Speed (美俚語) = 指慢速球
Breaking Ball (美俚語) = 指變化球
Chin Music (美俚語) = 指非常近打者頸部以上的球
Pickoff = 牽制出局


curveball /曲球

slider /滑球

fastball /快速球

changeup /變速球

split /指叉球

sinker /下墬球