
Memory Impact

※ This picture was taken in BU library.

What is the memory impact?

I created and defined it by meslf.

Memory impact is that the memory which is happened wonderfully 

or horribly in one's life made one feel extremely painful when the 

enviroment is same, but the people or the situations were different. 

I sufferred it today. Because I went to NESE, Harvard Sq., Central Sq.,

Newbury St., and many places I went before near the Cambridge.

My memory was impacted by the memory recall.

I knew the feeling was not good, but I will conquer it one day. 





Achmed Dead Terrorists - subtitle and translation

It is lucky I found the show with subtitle,

but there are some words or phrases I thought 

they are difficult to understand because they are 

slangs. Therefore, I translated they to Chinese and

explained. Finally, I hope all you can enjoy and have

fun on this show.


infidel 異教徒

terrorist 恐怖分子

God damn it 他媽的(這個翻譯比較傳神)

Allah damn it 因為回教的主是Allah 所以他把God改成Allah

suicide bomber 炸彈自殺客

flesh wound 皮肉擦傷

what the hell? 到底是怎麼了

son of bitch (自己查字典,我不想翻譯)

karate 空手道

stuckwards (我找不到)

Holy crap 哇靠(很像我們驚訝時講的語助詞)

ligaments 韌帶

Walter 另一個玩偶的名字(可以在youtube找一下)

scare 驚嚇

crap 大便(口語)

scare the crap out of me 嚇得我屁滾尿流

he has gas 他放屁(我猜的)

fart 屁(口語)

Saddam 海珊的名字(前伊拉克總統)

Saddam's Master gas was nothing compare

to a Walter fart. 


flu shot 流感疫苗

virgins 處女(此處指處子)

a bunch of 一群、一夥

I've been screwed. 我被晃點了

Clay Aiken 美國星光大道男歌手之一(就像台灣的蕭敬騰)

freaking suitcase 怪皮箱

Lindsay Lohan 美國女演員兼歌手(在機場有過特權沒被拘留)

Jew 猶太教人

racist bastard 種族歧視的混蛋

toss a penny 丟一分錢

Catholic priest 天主教的傳教士

it offends people 這會冒犯別人

knock-knock joke 敲門笑話(我懂,但是我不會解釋,自己google一下吧)

nice facility 良好的設備

it used to be 以前是的

motto 座右銘

We're looking for few good men.我們在找幾個壯丁

We're looking for some idiots with no funture. 我們在找沒有未來的白癡

recruits 新成員

suicide hotline 張老師自殺專線

horrible 糟透的

premature detonation 過早引爆

I set the time for 30 minutes and then all went of in 4 seconds.

You know what't that like, right?

Mister Hurricane. 疾速俠先生


I went over my units. 我用完我的易付卡點數

I took the Verizon bastard with me.我把Verizon那傻蛋也拖下水了。


flying car parts 飛來飛去的汽車零件

Prius 在美國很暢銷的Toyota汽車型號

lunch box 便當盒

Klondike bar 美國巧克力餅的品牌 我沒吃過

Muslim 回教徒

stinky Halloween decoration 發臭的萬聖節裝飾品

Washington Monument 華盛頓紀念碑

It looks more like a tribute to Bill Clinton

他看起來比較像是在稱頌Bill Clinton. Don't ask me why,you know.