
[NESE] writing lv6 - final exam


Topic: What do you think about the use of conventiona medications such as 

aspirin and antibiotics versus natural remedies such as vitamins and herbs?

        When people are sick, some of them wanted the conventional medications

such as aspirin and antibiotics, but others chose the natural remedies  such as 

vitamins and herbs. In my opinion, I prefer natural remedies and there are two

important factors why I chose the natural remedies as the cure: the natural remedies

are beneficial and the natural remedies are good enough for cure.

        First of all, choosing natural remedies is more benneficial than choosing 

conventional medications because natural remedies are less harmful for people

bodies than conventional medications. According to the medicine books, 

all of the medicine have the side effects which  cause little damage to bodies,

althought it can help people to recover. However, the natural remedies do not have 

any toxic marerials when people take them as treatments. Therefore, I thought that the 

natural ramedies are better than the conventional medicatios because of their 


        It is true even though few people  know the fact that using medicine is not 

necessaryto cure people who are sick. The bodies have antibodies which can 

kill viruses and bacteria and can help people to recover. However, the medicine just

make people feel more confortable when they are sick. If people can have enough 

nutrition such as vitamins and protein, people bodies will recover themself. To sum up,

natural remedies are good enough to help people who are sick become healthy.

        According to these two factors: the health and ineffectiveness, I believe the fact that

natural remedies are better than convetional treatments.

1 則留言:

  1. 拉拉拉~

    寫什麼我看沒有 XDD

