
Writing essay.



for exmaple: motion, pictures, films代替movies

                     result, consequences代替effects


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behavior. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Today, Movies and televisions are the most common media that we can get, and the information, which has both negative effects and positive effects, from these media influences us, especially the young people’s behavior. Moreover, I think that movies and television always have more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behavior. The reasons why I think that are: the many negative frames shown on both televisions and movies, the immaturity of young people in general, and the wrong imitation of television and movies of teenagers.



First of all, a lot of negative pictures have been broadcast, such as violent behavior, cheat, and illegal events. Teenagers who view these negative programs and movies frequently would probably think these negative events are right or commonplace. For example, when I was a teacher two year ago, a child I taught stole classmate’s money and lied to me and his parents. After knowing he stole the money, I asked him why he would do misbehaviors. Then, he said that the television news frequently reported the cheat of politicians and stealing of thieves, making him think these behaviors were right. Therefore, I believe that illegal events in the media have a bad influence on young people.

The immature mind of teenagers is also a crucial reason why I agree with the topic because they cannot accurately know what is right and what is wrong. For instance, I once heard of a dialogue of teenagers on the bus. They said that in the movies the ruffians who owned a gun with which he shot people is their idol because the actions is so attractive that they wanted to do that to the people they did not like. This dialogue pushed me to think movies and television teach teenagers too much about violence.

Finally, because of the wrong imitation of teenagers, I consider that movies and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behavior. Teenagers imitate the behavior that appears in the media for no reason, but it may cause the serious damage. In our country, the news was reported that a high school student jumped from fifth floor and died just because he imitated an action showed in movies. To sum up, the news indicated that the wrong imitation of movies by young people is the major factor of the negative effects of televisions and movies.

        In conclusion, based on inappropriate media content, immature minds, and inaccurate imitation, I absolutely agree that movies and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behaviors.



